Zeiss launches new digital microscope

2021 02 22 17 47 2817 Zeiss Visioner 1 400

Zeiss debuted Visioner 1, a digital microscope that enables all-in-one focus in real-time due to its micro-mirror array lens system (MALS). Visioner 1 uses a micro-electro-mechanical system consisting of small mirrors measuring 100 x 100 µm.

Users can see the sample completely in focus without post-processing or combining different focal planes from a series of images because the depth of field is 100 times greater than conventional microscopes. This simplifies the imaging and documentation process while also creating faster inspection and higher throughput, Zeiss said.

The Zeiss Visioner 1 digital microscope. Image courtesy of Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology.The Zeiss Visioner 1 digital microscope. Image courtesy of Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology.

Visioner 1's mirrors can be individually adjusted to generate "virtual" lenses with different curvatures to image any point on the sample. The microscope can optically inspect for height differences of up to 69 mm without moving the optical system or refocusing the sample.

In addition, Visioner 1 displays specimens on a screen to create better ergonomics for the user.

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